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Life Affirming in So Many Ways

Updated: Aug 1

Cultural Retreat, Wallaby Creek, 2021 Karen Reys (centre)

"I’d like to recommend a session with Karen Reys to anyone visiting Cairns.

Before you go to the reef, or head to the rainforest take the time to see Karen at Gimuy Gallery [now known as Kgari 3 Sisters Art Gallery]. I’ll tell you why.

Firstly she is a humble, powerful and connected human, who is deeply in touch with spirit and the wisdom of the land. Her sessions are profoundly, even mysteriously effecting.

I left the session [one-on-one Spiritual Healing] with Karen with a different experience of the country around me. Like I had had my eyes and senses cleaned and tuned to be able to see, feel and experience the ‘spirit’ of the country I was moving in. And that hasn’t left me in the months since the session. I’m very grateful to Karen for this.

Now I’d like to say, I’m no hoomy-goomy dream-catcher making, crystal chanting hippy that walks around in a cloud of pot and patchouli asking my spirit guide to find me a life affirming lacto-vegan kombucha casserole.... but this session with Karen had an effect on me that was undeniable and, well, life affirming on a number of levels.

I also felt ‘Welcomed” to the country.

So when you come to Cairns drop in and see Karen, perhaps even as a family or group for a traditional smoking ceremony.

I guarantee it will enhance your trip to Cairns and FNQ enormously."

Ken Huth

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Jan 13, 2021

Beautiful photograph of Henry and the smoking.

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